Thu 2nd Feb: Jacob Epstein at the Edinburgh Festival – a lecture by Evelyn Silber

 Thursday 2 February 2023 at 2.00 p.m.

Sir Jacob Epstein (1880 – 1959) the American-British sculptor who helped pioneer modern sculpture is famed for his early controversial works and later public works such as St. Michael’s Victory over the Devil that adorns Coventry Cathedral.

Evelyn Silber is an art historian and an expert on 20th Century British sculpture.  She was formerly Director of both the Leeds Museums and the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow University.

Her lecture will feature Epstein’s retrospective at the Edinburgh Festival of 1961, bringing out the notoriety and controversy that attended his architectural and carved work and drawing attention to his Scottish connections and his work in Scottish collections.  Among these is the Art Club’s portrait of Mrs Epstein.

An interesting lecture is assured and lunch will be available (with prior booking) from 12.30 onwards.