The Upright Posture

By Thomas Jacobi

The Upright Posture

      • Date of Artwork: 2008
      • Medium: oil and gold leaf on canvas
      • Size: 100 x 240 cm, 2 parts
      • Sold: No
      • Exhibition:



The upright posture is distinctive for the human species, and that this has far-reaching consequences, not only with respect to perceptual abilities, but also regarding moral values and judgements. The phrase ‘to be upright’ has a moral connotation and, as Strauss suggests this may signal more than just metaphorical expression. His more general claim is that ‘the shape and function of the human body are determined in almost every detail by, and for, the upright posture’; and in Aristotelian terms this means that the upright posture is an essential aspect of what makes us human.

Erwin W. Strauss, 1891-1975, Phenomenological Psychology, 1966
Shaun Gallegher, How the Body Shapes the Mind, Oxford University Press, 2005

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