Sad Panels

By Chiara Mancini

Sad Panels

      • Date of Artwork: 2021
      • Medium: PLA, acetate
      • Size: 25x15x4 cm
      • Sold: No
      • Price: £100 (includes UK delivery)
      • Exhibition:



A recent finding of the scientific community is the effectiveness of bright light projector as a therapy for SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). This determined the rise in popularity of devices such as the SAD Lamp, commercialized as an efficient alternative to sunlight during the winter months and in indoor settings.
The artist found the fact very thought provoking as it stands as an example of how our society increasingly tends to medicalize mental health issues and to search for a cure in the field of technology and in the market.
These objects are an alternative version of the SAD lamp, that takes into consideration the power of colors and their immediate effect on our emotions and inner lives, and the impossibility of replacing the benefits of a real contact with the natural world.

Visit the Chiara Mancini artist page.

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