A Concert of Contemporary Music with Pianist Mark Spalding

A Concert of Contemporary Music with Pianist Mark Spalding

Friday 12 October 2018, 8pm

Concert £13.50 GAC members/ £15 guests of members

A one course supper with cheese and coffee will be available before the concert 6pm -7.45pm, priced at £18.00 per person.

Formerly an organ scholar at St Andrews University, Mark Spalding is presently organist at Barry Parish Church (CofS) in Angus. In recent years he has taken a particular interest in researching and performing the work of the composer Morris Pert(1947-2010) and has performed his piano music around Scotland and in London. He has also commissioned new piano works in memory of Pert from composers including Marc Yeats, Iain Matheson and Michael Bonaventure. In 2015 he had a year long project marking the 40th anniversary of Tierkreis (signs of the zodiac) by Stockhausen, which included founding Intuitive Music ensemble Mars in Aquarius. In the last year he has performed on organ or piano at venues including Dundee University, Edinburgh Society of Musicians, Scottish Arts Club, North East of Scotland Music School, St Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral Aberdeen, Old High Church Inverness, Scottish Music Centre Glasgow.



Recitative & Aria on DSCH (1975)                   Ronald Stevenson (1928-2015)

Sonatina Serenissima (1977)                                 ” ”           ” ”

Nine Decades (2013)                                         Eddie McGuire (b1948)

Michael’s Strathspey (1985)                             Judith Weir (b1954)

Lumen Christi (1997)                                        James MacMillan (b1959)

Sonores II  (1973)                                               Morris Pert (1947-2010)

Green Odyssey (2013)                                       Michael Bonaventure (b1962)

North East Hauntings (2015)                           Janet Graham (b1948)

(Snow Sky – Sea Mist – Lullaby for Lost Skylines – Red Dust)


3 Interludes (1997)                                            John McLeod (b1934)

Apteryx (2000)                                                   Lyell Cresswell (b1944)

Drosten (2012)                                                   Iain Matheson (b1955)

3 Pieces from “Variations for Judith”           Thea Musgrave (b1928)/Judith Weir/                                                               (2012)                       Peter Maxwell Davies (1934-2016)

Capriccio Bk 1 no2 “Stillness” (2002)            Janet Beat (b1937)

Mountains Suite (2007)                                   Morris Pert

(Suilven Moon – Foinaven – Quinag – Ben Stack – Arkle – Cul Mor)


We are grateful for the assistance of the Scottish Arts Club Charitable Trust in presenting this event

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